Security Management
18. Security Awareness, Training, and Education
Humans are the weakest point in the cybersecurity chain. Even if you have invested in security technologies and solutions with the best practices and secure configuration, you still need to train your staff and make them aware of the potential threats like social engineering and phishing and other human-based attacks to make smarter security decisions, every day and become a human firewall. Your employees have different levels of knowledge and behaviours. You need to treat them separately with customized and meaningful security content. Software developers and IT admins can’t be in the same training campaign as the HR or accounting staff. The security regulations also keep changing with new mandates introduced to the market frequently. For example, security standards and privacy rules mandate the organization to train its staff regularly. On the hand, organization need their staff to be aware of all the security policies and other business policies and procedures.

Cybermatic teams of professionals and industry leaders with years of proven experience can help your organization and your staff to be prepared for any cybersecurity attacks by providing you below security training services:
- General Security Awareness: We can help your organization to adopt and select a good training platform or prepare customized training content and deliver it to your staff online or in person.
- Privacy Training and awareness: Privacy regulations like GDPR manages the organization to train their staff at least annually on all the privacy issues and concepts. We are here to help you to fulfill those requirements.
- Developer Training: Yoru software developers need to know security at a very early stage in the SDLC¹. They need customized training based on the tool, platform and programming languages they use. We can deliver those training and bring your developer up to speed.
SDLC¹: System Development Life cycle.